Friday, April 1, 2011

Universal Taps Tom Lieber For Hit TV Shows


Tom Lieber, formerly of Cooperstown, has been promoted to director, development and current programming, at Univesral Cable Productions, Los Angeles.
Since moving to the Coast, Lieber spearheaded the final season of “Battlestar Galactica, BSG: The Plan,” and, currently, the new series “Caprica.”
Lieber is a past president of the Cooperstown Rotary Club.

NEW COOKIES:  Pati Drumm Grady, president and founder, The Cooperstown Cookie Company, was at the Washington, D.C., International Wine & Food Festival February 13-14 to launch Camden Yard Stadium tins filled with Baltimore Orioles baseball cookies.

MELLOR CITED:  Lucille E. Mellor, Fly Creek, is on St. Lawrence University’s Dean’s List for the fall semester.  The freshman graduated from Emma Willard School, Troy.

ON DEAN’S LIST:  Liam Heiland, son of Susan Cataffo-Heiland and Scott Heiland, Milford, is on the Hartwick College Dean’s List for the fall semester.  The freshman is majoring in biology.

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