Tuesday, April 19, 2011



'Leatherstocking’ Name Taken Off Tourism Region


The state Legislature has renamed the “Central Leatherstocking Region” used in tourism promotions to simply the “Central New York Region.”
“I think it will be easier to market ourselves,” said county Tourism Director Deb Taylor.  “At the end of the day, people didn’t really understand what ‘leatherstocking’ is/was.”

APPRECIATE! Cherry Valley’s Community Health Center Appreciation Day is Saturday, April 10, at the Old School gym, featuring raffles, live music and a spaghetti dinner.

MEAT PLANT: Lawrence Althiser’s plant for a USDA meat processing plant on Route 205, Town of Hartwick, will be reviewed by the county Planning Board when it meets at 6 p.m. Monday, April 12, at The Meadows.

EARTH FEST:  Flowers, plants, breads, eggs, meat, jams and jellies from the Cooperstown Farmers Market are among the many offerings at the Earth Festival, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, April 10, at Milford Central School.

HIRE BALLPLAYER:  Cooperstown’s NYCBL team is asking businesses to “Hire A Hawkeye,” this summer, to help the collegiate players make a little money while playing ball at Doubleday Field.  Call David Pearlman at 547-4186 or e-mail david@cooperstown-hawkeyes.com.

Laura Cox/The Freeman’s Journal
Sly The Fox rests on the stoop at 194 Main St.;  it needed to rest, having just finished off one of NYSHA’s heritage chickens.  (Other photo, B-6)

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