Friday, April 1, 2011

LETTER: Say ‘No’ To Drilling, Fracking


To the Editor:
Gas drilling proponents like to say that gas is “clean” energy, which not so true. They have spent millions of dollars advertising on TV and newspapers to convince us, and have powerful lobbyists working to influence our government officials.
Horizontal gas drilling to extract the gas, with hydraulic “fracking,” will risk poisonous methane gas as a side-effect, among many carcinogens. The toxic chemicals used in the water-protection exempted process are carcinogenic and radioactive.
Furthermore, gas IS a non-renewable fossil fuel. It is neither “green,” nor safe by any stretch of the imagination. There are so many chemicals used, there would be no realistic way to do a pre and post test for safety.
Chemicals combined with earthbound compounds under pressure and heat are further unknowns, adding to the risk. This process is not worth risking public health and safety, as they would advocate.
It’s time to say “NO” to drilling and the Halliburton-process called “fracking” before it’s too late.
Ask the mayor of Dish, Texas, folks in Dimmock, Pa., or other places where gas drilling problems are documented. Discuss alternatives to fossil fuels and ban gas drilling. Gas companies are temporary, but cancer is permanent.
East Springfield

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