Friday, January 14, 2011

Ommegang Introducing Many Brews This Year, Starting Now


Brewery Ommegang is launching a 2010 Innovation Program with six beers – four completely new – beginning this month with the Ommegang Chocolate Indulgence Stout, slightly adjusted from last year.
Ommegang is also launching an “Exclusive Beer Initiative,” experimental, small-batch beers that will only be available at the brewery.  The first, “Porter Sorter,” may be tasted now.
Finally, Ommegang is aging several of our high-gravity beers in oak bourbon barrels, for further experiments and tasting, the brewery announced.
The new beers being rolled out every other month this year are BPA, a Belgian-style pale ale, (March); Tripel, spiced, (May); Sour Ale, Oud Bruin style (aged for a year), in collaboration with Liefman’s of Belgium (July), and Scotch Ale, “a Belgo Scotch mash up” (September).
Only the BPA’s name has been confirmed so far.
In November, the Adoration will be re-issued, “still malty and spicy. But may be tweaked a bit,” according to the announcement.
“The idea is simple,” said marketing director Larry Bennett.  “Imagine interesting new beers.  Give Ommegang brewers opportunities to work their chops.  And keep the public and beer world engaged in what Ommegang is up to.”
The line’s expansion is being made possible by expanded tank capacity and new warehouse, which is being roofed-in now, Bennett said.

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