Friday, March 4, 2011

Glass On Streets Too Chunky


To the Editor:
For over a month, the City of Oneonta has been spreading broken glass throughout our streets in every neighborhood.  This glass is mixed with sand and is being used to reduce cost of the sand and salt that is normally used.
I have picked up samples of this glass being used and it is normal broken glass, not rounded edges or smooth as being advertised.  I have cut myself with this glass to prove a point. 
It does not take a rocket scientist to understand broken glass on our streets is not environmentally friendly.  Anyone claiming so is truly misinformed.
What happens after a car accident?  All the broken glass is swept up from the street.  When your children fall in the streets, not only will they have skinned knees, they will have broken glass embedded in their skin. 
The snow plows are spraying this glass into our yards.  When summer comes and we mow our lawns; we will be sending glass shards like missiles everywhere. 
When our cats and dogs walk through this, it is picked up on their paws and when they clean themselves it is ingested into their stomachs which will kill them. 
I urge everyone to walk your streets and pick up samples and judge for your self that this is not environmentally friendly, then contact your city officials and tell them to cease and desist this action, no matter what the savings, because they are being sold a false bill of goods.
(Editor’s Note: City Hall has suspended the use of the recycled glass as the supplier adjusted the processing to meet these concerns.)

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