Tuesday, May 3, 2011

LETTER: At Cooperstown Elementary, People Care


To the Editor:
I had the pleasure of attending the Cooperstown Elementary School’s Friday Finale on April 9, which happened to be performance day for the teachers whom the students chose to be their “CCS American Idols.” 
There have been a lot of negative things said about the CCS schools lately, including several of my own letters to the school board expressing my anger that a fantastic third-grade teacher, Erik Hanson, is being laid off simply because of his lack of seniority. 
But I’d like to put that aside for the moment and focus on how really great the teachers and principal at the elementary school are. 
Ms. Gorman sang “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” with a lot of heart – the children clearly love their principal and her great spirit.
Second-grade teacher Kim Wooden dedicated the song, “I Will Be There,” to all of the students, bringing tears to my eyes when she reminded them, “we teachers will always be here for you, even when things seem difficult.”
Phys-ed teacher Mr. Lippit roused the crowd with thoughts of chocolate with his spirited “The Candy Man.”
And I was very impressed that both first-grade teacher Lindsey Hayes and second-grade teacher David Bertram involved their classes with their performances, which really goes to show that these teachers are truly dedicated to the children in their classes, and seek every opportunity to create “teaching moments.”
The entire show was the brainchild of Mrs. Wrench and her “lunch bunch” students, and they should be commended for producing such a wonderful day, full of school spirit and teacher-student camaraderie, and raising some money for the school at the same time.  Well done!

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