Tuesday, May 3, 2011

GOP To Honor Jim Konstanty, Thayne, Plus



Former Republican officeholders will be honored at the 61st Annual Otsego County Republican Dinner & Gala Thursday, April 22, at The Otesaga.
The dinner will be dedicated to the memory of Cpl. Michael Mayne, who perished in service to his country in Iraq.
The former officials are county attorney James Konstanty, Oneonta; treasurer Myrna Thayne, Edmeston; county representative Scott Harrington, Oneonta; Cooperstown mayor Carol B. Waller; city Republican chairman Carol Bollinger, Oneonta; city judge Walter Terry III, Oneonta; Oneonta town councilwoman Marie Lusins-McLachlan, plus past GOP officials.
Entertainment for the evening will be Christopher Callaghan, dubbed the “Mark Russell” of Republican politics, (and Republican candidate for state comptroller in 2006.)
Tickets $50; reservations, call Dorothy Rathbun at 547-9093, e-mail elephantonmove@yahoo.com.

Former Republican officeholders will be honored at the 61st Annual Otsego County Republican Dinner & Gala Thursday, April 22, at The Otesaga.
The dinner will be dedicated to the memory of Cpl. Michael Mayne, who perished in service to his country in Iraq.
The former officials are county attorney James Konstanty, Oneonta; treasurer Myrna Thayne, Edmeston; county representative Scott Harrington, Oneonta; Cooperstown mayor Carol B. Waller; city Republican chairman Carol Bollinger, Oneonta; city judge Walter Terry III, Oneonta; Oneonta town councilwoman Marie Lusins-McLachlan, plus past GOP officials from other towns.
“It can be pretty thankless work, but they have served with distinction, and we thank them for their contributions,” said GOP County Chair Sheila Ross, Fly Creek.
Entertainment for the evening will be Christopher Callaghan, dubbed the “Mark Russell” of Republican politics, (and Republican candidate for state comptroller in 2006.)
Tickets are $50 a person; for reservations, call Dorothy Rathbun at 547-9093 or e-mail elephantonmove@yahoo.com.

Former Republican officeholders will be honored at the 61st Annual Otsego County Republican Dinner & Gala Thursday, April 22, at The Otesaga.
The dinner will be dedicated to the memory of Cpl. Michael Mayne, who perished in service to his country in Iraq.
The former officials are county attorney James Konstanty, Oneonta; treasurer Myrna Thayne, Edmeston; county representative Scott Harrington, Oneonta; Cooperstown mayor Carol B. Waller; city Republican chairman Carol Bollinger, Oneonta; city judge Walter Terry III, Oneonta; Oneonta town councilwoman Marie Lusins-McLachlan, plus past GOP officials from other towns.
“It can be pretty thankless work, but they have served with distinction, and we thank them for their contributions,” said GOP County Chair Sheila Ross, Fly Creek.
Entertainment for the evening will be Christopher Callaghan, dubbed the “Mark Russell” of Republican politics, (and Republican candidate for state comptroller in 2006.)
Tickets are $50 a person; for reservations, call Dorothy Rathbun at 547-9093 or e-mail elephantonmove@yahoo.com.

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